Today the temperature has been somewhere around 42 deg F. Last week it was around 15, which in europe is about -9 C. Seems that it can't make its mind up; we had snow and ice last week and torrential downpours today. We wrapped up and got out a bit last week, which was good. On Friday we went to see a play at the University Arts center ("The Wex"). It was an Argentinean play and as a result, had English subtitles on boards either side of the revolving stage.

Almudena Crespo
The play followed the lives of four different people over the course of ten years. As the stage revolved, each quadrant played out one person's life. There were only four actors, so when they weren't playing themselves they had jumped into another quadrant to play another character in someone else's life. If they weren't doing that they were narrating! It was pretty impressive stuff, but between reading the subtitles, concentrating on which story line was which and trying my best not to be embarrassed by all the making-out (they were 4 passionate characters), it was kind of a tiring experience.
The day previous we stopped by the Gateway film Center to see something called "The other F word".
It was pretty much about old Southern Californian punk rocker type chaps that become fathers. It was decent and pretty moving in places and gave me some new found respect for Flea from Red Hot Chilli Peppers and the lead singer from Pennywise. We decided to walk home afterwards and reward ourselves with a slice of pizza from Mikey's Late Night Slice. I went for the pizza of the week and very much enjoyed the dijon ham and cheddar topping.