Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Them Apples

A couple of weeks ago we went to our newly re-fitted local Kroger supermarket. They are usually pretty good with free samples, but when they have just re-opened a store it seems, even better still. I started with some sushi, followed by some cake and then two or three different varieties of cheese. I might have messed up the order with which I consumed the freebies but I was grateful for all that was on offer.

We needed apples, and I have to say that thus far here in Ohio I haven't really found any variety that I am particularly loyal to. We've mostly erred on the side of Gala's, not all that tasty or juicy or crunchy, but kind of cheap. So, in this newly refitted shop I was game for an apple change. It looked like Honeycrisp were on offer. They looked big and red and shiny and at under $2 a pound it seemed rude not to pick up four.

I can quite comfortably say they were the best apples I've had. I used to think Pink Ladies were as good as you could get (maybe a bit of competition from the Jazz), but no, Honeycrisps are where its at. As the name would suggest they're super crisp and crazily juicy. Somehow though, the juice seems to stay well within until you crunch into the flesh. A good quality.

What to think then when you're told that there is a better apple? Apparently this is the case. Bred from bits of Honeycrisp and Zestar apples, people that try the new SweeTango can't quite find the words to describe how good it is. This weeks New Yorker food issue features a story all about bringing new apple varieties into the world and how the whole process works out. Check out this video here.

I still haven't tried one, but am on the hunt for some and hoping it's not too late in the season to find them, which it may be. I May just have to wait until next year....

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