Friday, September 9, 2011

Cheese and NOT waiting

This is my first attempt at American "Cheddar" style cheese. It seemed to make sense to try stuff that they make here that is trying to be like stuff that we make back home as, believe it or not, it is cheaper. This Adams Reserve Sharp Cheddar is $9.99 a pound. And yes, that is cheaper than getting the stuff that comes all the way from "the Somerset county in England", as the helpful information in the Giant Eagle supermarket tells me. What's it like I hear you ask... maybe. Well, not great really. I'm no cheese guru, but I do know what I like, and rubbery texture with a distinct lack of bite is not really what I like. Something from Wisconsin next maybe...

Today I headed out with the mission of applying in person for my social security card. I had heard and read a lot about how terrible a process this might be - long waits, people not knowing what you're talking about, having to come back when your details were in the system and a few other awkward things. After getting through security, I grabbed a ticket, waited ten minutes, went to the window, gave her my form, let her see my passport, took my receipt and was told it would arrive in the post in two weeks or so. That was it.

What is a job-less immigrant to do before 10 am on a Friday morning in downtown Columbus? Well, kind of walk around a bit, find a way to break his $20 bill (a massive cinnamon bun), check out people cutting the grass at the nearby minor league baseball stadium and get the bus home.


  1. Eating a massive cinnamon bun sounds like a very productive use of your time.

  2. It was, but still it was too big to finish. I'm trying to gracefully accept defeat when it comes to food here now and again.
