Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hair Cuts and Pluots

Where is the place to go and get your hair cut when you come to a new city and don't really know the best place? The place with the best sign of course. So, I went down to The Mug and Brush and got my hair cut. It looks kind of a bit different, but as only my second non-European hair cut they definitely did a better job than the Indian guy in Uganda ten years ago. Jim did a good job of chatting and clipping and probably deserved a tip. When something costs $15 and I pay $15, it makes me feel a bit awkward trying to pull out an extra $1, or should it be two, who knows? The picture is of the business card he gave me, so that I'll go back and maybe give him a 20 and then not take all the change or something...

I'm going to keep to the theme of American firsts and tell you about my first Pluot. It's supposed to be some sort of cross between a plum and an apricot. It tastes pretty much exactly like a plum and maybe has the firmness of an Apricot. There may be little more to say at this stage, just to maybe go to Wikipedia to check out the varieties on offer. $1 for two though, a little steep.

Today I cycled down High Street to check out "Crew at the Commons". This event was billed as a downtown rally and I suppose it was. It was also rather awkward. Check the picture above and the players stood in front of the stage while the general manager talks about how great they, we and Columbus are. For some reason the only current US international (Robbie Rogers) was holding a small dog. It wasn't clear if this was a result of representing the US, similar maybe to the cap system we have back in the UK. The mayor also spoke and suggested that we were going to beat LA's ass and Houston tonight too. He didn't say much else to be honest, but he did wear a scarf. Sure his didn't cost $30 though.


  1. When do we see a picture of your new hair style?

  2. Pluot. Hmm...I've never heard of such a fantastical sounding fruit! Love the updates!
