Sunday, September 18, 2011

Microbrews and Party Cake

We took our second trip to the North Market to eat, drink and be merry (their words) at the 6th annual Microbrew festival. $20 got us a commemorative pint glass, a $5 food voucher and 10 tasting tickets. Sadly, it didn't get us a beer hat or a Erbe t-shirt.

We worked our way around 7 different Columbus brewers/ brew pub type places and took it in turns to queue and taste. Hoster brewery has been around since 1836 in some shape or form and I'd been keen to try their (relatively) famous Gold Top Dortmunder larger. It was pretty good, and I'll get a full pint some time in the future. Barley's Scottish Ale also went down well with me and Elevator's Nut Brown Bourbon Aged Ale went down with K. It was crazy busy and after a while we just settled for a final pint and hopped back on the bus.

Having not mastered the art of shopping without a car we woke on Saturday morning to find that we had no food and so decided we'd head out for a bit of light breakfast... We wandered down East Hudson street and took our place in the line outside Jack and Benny's. It was a good, fun place with all staff members resplendent in OSU red. We spent a lot of Saturday unpacking our recently arrived shipment from home and generally got lost in boxes and packing paper.

Later in the evening everyone (connected to the OSU English Department) was invited to Nicole's birthday party. We had been told that it wasn't important that we didn't know who she was, but that we should aim to come dressed as a song. I very lazily went for "My name is Jonas" by Weezer and K modified her green beret with two raspberries. "Killer Queen" was as scary as A-ha's "Take on me" was impressive. The real high point of the gathering though had to be the cake: six layers of multi-coloured wonder. Proceedings pretty suddenly took a dive when some serious dancing to Justin Timberlake resulted in a dislocated knee for a 2nd year PHD student. The ambulance arrived fairly swiftly and not much later we also left with all limbs in the right place.


  1. Looks like colours of the rainbow, so maybe a 7 layer cake: red, orange, yellow,green, blue, indigo and violet!

  2. Have now read the blog! Sounds like it was a banging party! Did they have a keg of beer with a long pipe coming from it?! Like the ones in all the frat parties on American TV shows?

    That is one bright cake! I think that going as 'My Name is Jonas' was a stroke of genius and that you were flying the flag for Britain with your understated but clever effort!

  3. Oh yes I forgot - you must have been gutted the hat wasn't included in the price!! Quality!

  4. Fortunately the party was fairly civilised, bottles and cans, no kegs in sight. Not sure what the dancer had been on though!
